Ilex altaclerensis Belgica

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Ilex x altaclerensis 'Belgica', an Ilex aquifolium x Ilex perado hybrid with very dark green, smooth-edged leaves and small clusters of bright red berries in autumn. It develops into a pyramidal tree. Dating from around 1874, this old Highclere holly cultivar is now quite rare. Order: Aquifoliales, Family: Aquifoliaceae

Ilex x altaclerensis 'Belgica', an Ilex aquifolium x Ilex perado hybrid with very dark green, smooth-edged leaves and small clusters of bright red berries in autumn. It develops into a pyramidal tree. Dating from around 1874, this old Highclere holly cultivar is now quite rare. Order: Aquifoliales, Family: Aquifoliaceae


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ID: CFGz786.jpg






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