Citrus japonica Centennial

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Centennial. Kumquat (<i>Citrus japonica [syn. Fortunella japonica] 'Centennial'), a variegated cultivar of an evergreen shrub native to southern China. It grows to around 3m tall and usually carries a heavy crop of very small mandarin-like fruits that can be eaten whole without peeling. The fruits are also variegated and are usually at their most attractive before they are fully ripe, when the pattern is most apparent. Because the fruit can be quite bitter it is more often used in cooking than eaten raw, especially in savoury dishes. The kumquat is among the hardiest of the citrus fruits. citrus-2140htm'>Citrus.

Centennial. Kumquat (Citrus japonica [syn. Fortunella japonica] 'Centennial'), a variegated cultivar of an evergreen shrub native to southern China. It grows to around 3m tall and usually carries a heavy crop of very small mandarin-like fruits that can be eaten whole without peeling. The fruits are also variegated and are usually at their most attractive before they are fully ripe, when the pattern is most apparent. Because the fruit can be quite bitter it is more often used in cooking than eaten raw, especially in savoury dishes. The kumquat is among the hardiest of the citrus fruits. citrus-2140htm'>Citrus.


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