Oenothera biennis

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A field of Evening Primrose or German Rampion (<i>Oenothera biennis</i>), an annual or biennial native to eastern North America but now widely naturalised in the temperate zones. It can grow to as much as 15m tall and flowers through the warmer months. Evening primrose oil extracted from plants such as this commercial crop is used medicinally and in cosmetics. oenothera-3186htm'>Oenothera. <a href='onagraceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Onagraceae</a>.

A field of Evening Primrose or German Rampion (Oenothera biennis), an annual or biennial native to eastern North America but now widely naturalised in the temperate zones. It can grow to as much as 15m tall and flowers through the warmer months. Evening primrose oil extracted from plants such as this commercial crop is used medicinally and in cosmetics. oenothera-3186htm'>Oenothera. Onagraceae.


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ID: CFGz061.jpg






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