Quercus dentata

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The summer foliage of Daimyo Oak (<i>Quercus dentata</i>), a large-leaved deciduous oak tree to 25m tall, native to Japan, Korea and nearby parts of China. The deeply lobed leaves can be over 30cm long and 20cm wide. The foliage often hangs on the tree well into winter, even when dry and brown. The acorn cups, which often cover more than half the acorn, are covered in road, flattened protuberances

The summer foliage of Daimyo Oak (Quercus dentata), a large-leaved deciduous oak tree to 25m tall, native to Japan, Korea and nearby parts of China. The deeply lobed leaves can be over 30cm long and 20cm wide. The foliage often hangs on the tree well into winter, even when dry and brown. The acorn cups, which often cover more than half the acorn, are covered in road, flattened protuberances


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ID: CFGy924.jpg






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