Rhytidophyllum tomentosum

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The flower of Rhytidophyllum tomentosum, a gesneriad (<i>African Violet family plant</i>) that probably originated in Central America and the West Indies, though its precise origins are unclear. This is because it has long been used in traditional herbal medicines and has become widely naturalised. Outside its natural range it is most likely to be seen as a novelty house plant. The hairy, heavily textured leaves and clusters of maroon-marked flowers are distinctive. rhytidophyllum-3263htm'>Rhytidophyllum.

The flower of Rhytidophyllum tomentosum, a gesneriad (African Violet family plant) that probably originated in Central America and the West Indies, though its precise origins are unclear. This is because it has long been used in traditional herbal medicines and has become widely naturalised. Outside its natural range it is most likely to be seen as a novelty house plant. The hairy, heavily textured leaves and clusters of maroon-marked flowers are distinctive. rhytidophyllum-3263htm'>Rhytidophyllum.


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