Pouteria costata

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Foliage of the Tawapou or Bastard Ironwood (<i>Pouteria costata</i>), an evergreen shrub or small tree native to coastal areas of the northeastern North Island of New Zealand and Norfolk Island The tiny greenish flowers are easily overlooked but are followed by dull orange to chestnut brown fruits that enclose 2-4 large shiny seeds. It is a member of the gutta-percha family and produces a sticky white latex if cut. It can grow to 20m but is usually considerably smaller.

Foliage of the Tawapou or Bastard Ironwood (Pouteria costata), an evergreen shrub or small tree native to coastal areas of the northeastern North Island of New Zealand and Norfolk Island The tiny greenish flowers are easily overlooked but are followed by dull orange to chestnut brown fruits that enclose 2-4 large shiny seeds. It is a member of the gutta-percha family and produces a sticky white latex if cut. It can grow to 20m but is usually considerably smaller.


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