Melicytus flexuosus

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The vestigial foliage of the Leafless. Mahoe (<i>Melicytus flexuosus</i>), a densely twiggy divaricating shrub native to New Zealand, where it has a very scattered distribution for the central North Island to Stewart Island It can grow to as much as 5m tall but is usually much smaller. It often has these tiny, rather dry leaves and in spring it produces small white to cream flowers. melicytus-3139htm'>Melicytus. <a href='violaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Violaceae</a>.

The vestigial foliage of the Leafless. Mahoe (Melicytus flexuosus), a densely twiggy divaricating shrub native to New Zealand, where it has a very scattered distribution for the central North Island to Stewart Island It can grow to as much as 5m tall but is usually much smaller. It often has these tiny, rather dry leaves and in spring it produces small white to cream flowers. melicytus-3139htm'>Melicytus. Violaceae.


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