Mangifera indica

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The fruit of the Mango (<i>Mangifera indica</i>), an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia and grown for it large, edible fruits. The pale orange-fleshed fruit is very juicy and contains a single large seed. The easiest way to eat the fruit raw is to split it length wise, cutting through the leathery seed capsule, score the surface, then turn the fruit halves inside out so the scores become diced cubes of mango that can be scraped from the skin. mangifera-3123htm'>Mangifera. <a href='anacardiaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Anacardiaceae</a>.

The fruit of the Mango (Mangifera indica), an evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia and grown for it large, edible fruits. The pale orange-fleshed fruit is very juicy and contains a single large seed. The easiest way to eat the fruit raw is to split it length wise, cutting through the leathery seed capsule, score the surface, then turn the fruit halves inside out so the scores become diced cubes of mango that can be scraped from the skin. mangifera-3123htm'>Mangifera. Anacardiaceae.


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ID: CFGc540.jpg






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