Mandevilla splendens Alba

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Mandevilla splendens 'Alba', a white-flowered form of a normally pink-flower twining climber native to southeastern Brazil. It flowers for much of the year and in cooler weather the flowers are often pink-tinted. The flower is very similar to that of the Mandevilla sanderi cultivar 'My. Fair. Lady', but. M sanderi has smoother, less strongly veined and darker green foliage than M splendens. mandevilla-3121htm'>Mandevilla. Order: Gentianales, Family: Apocynaceae

Mandevilla splendens 'Alba', a white-flowered form of a normally pink-flower twining climber native to southeastern Brazil. It flowers for much of the year and in cooler weather the flowers are often pink-tinted. The flower is very similar to that of the Mandevilla sanderi cultivar 'My. Fair. Lady', but. M sanderi has smoother, less strongly veined and darker green foliage than M splendens. mandevilla-3121htm'>Mandevilla. Order: Gentianales, Family: Apocynaceae


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