Leucosceptrum canum

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Leucosceptrum canum, an evergreen tree native to the Himalayan region where it occurs at elevations from 1000-2800m. Its leaves have distinctive silvery white undersides and in autumn erect spikes of small cream to yellow flowers. The nectar of the flower is dark brown and so popular with birds that the plant is sometimes called the 'bird's Coca. Cola tree'. leucosceptrum-3083htm'>Leucosceptrum.

Leucosceptrum canum, an evergreen tree native to the Himalayan region where it occurs at elevations from 1000-2800m. Its leaves have distinctive silvery white undersides and in autumn erect spikes of small cream to yellow flowers. The nectar of the flower is dark brown and so popular with birds that the plant is sometimes called the 'bird's Coca. Cola tree'. leucosceptrum-3083htm'>Leucosceptrum.


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