Vriesea Kiwi Dusk

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Vriesea 'Kiwi. Dusk', a New Zealand -raised bromeliad cultivar bred by Andrew. Maloy and introduced in 2002. It is one of a range of cultivars in the Kiwi group and is a Vriesea fosteriana hybrid with foliage that is boldly marked with dark mottling on both the upper and lower surfaces. Its flowerheads are not especially showy. vriesea-2928htm'>Vriesea.

Vriesea 'Kiwi. Dusk', a New Zealand -raised bromeliad cultivar bred by Andrew. Maloy and introduced in 2002. It is one of a range of cultivars in the Kiwi group and is a Vriesea fosteriana hybrid with foliage that is boldly marked with dark mottling on both the upper and lower surfaces. Its flowerheads are not especially showy. vriesea-2928htm'>Vriesea.


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