Tolmiea menziesii Taffs Gold

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Tolmiea menziesii 'Taff's Gold' (syns 'Maculata', 'Variegata'), a yellow-variegated cultivar of the Piggyback or Pickaback Plant, a soft-leafed evergreen perennial native to western North America as far north as coastal. Alaska. Though it can withstand considerable frost, it is often grown as a house plant. Order: Saxifragales, Family: Saxifragaceae

Tolmiea menziesii 'Taff's Gold' (syns 'Maculata', 'Variegata'), a yellow-variegated cultivar of the Piggyback or Pickaback Plant, a soft-leafed evergreen perennial native to western North America as far north as coastal. Alaska. Though it can withstand considerable frost, it is often grown as a house plant. Order: Saxifragales, Family: Saxifragaceae


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ID: CFG6694.jpg






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