Deschampsia caespitosa Daybreak

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The spring foliage of Deschampsia caespitosa 'Daybreak', a variegated foliage cultivar of the Tufted. Hair. Grass, a perennial grass native to temperate. Eurasia,Asia and northern Africa. Its leaves can grow to 60cm long and the flower spikes can reach 15m. The summer foliage is green and cream while the young spring foliage also has a strong pink tint. The pink colour reappears as the weather cools and intensifies in winter. deschampsia-2859htm'>Deschampsia. .

The spring foliage of Deschampsia caespitosa 'Daybreak', a variegated foliage cultivar of the Tufted. Hair. Grass, a perennial grass native to temperate. Eurasia,Asia and northern Africa. Its leaves can grow to 60cm long and the flower spikes can reach 15m. The summer foliage is green and cream while the young spring foliage also has a strong pink tint. The pink colour reappears as the weather cools and intensifies in winter. deschampsia-2859htm'>Deschampsia. .


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ID: CFGg519.jpg






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