Coffea arabica

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Arabian. Coffee (<i>Coffea arabica</i>), one of the two main species of commercial coffee, it has a lower yield and is more susceptible to disease that. Coffea canephora (syn. Coffea robusta</i>), but produces a smoother coffee, better flavoured coffee. It is an evergreen shrub or small tree from Ethiopia and Sudan. It produces an abundance of fragrant white flowers that develop into berries, each containing two of the familiar seeds or 'beans'. coffea-2814htm'>Coffea. <a href='rubiaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Rubiaceae</a>.

Arabian. Coffee (Coffea arabica), one of the two main species of commercial coffee, it has a lower yield and is more susceptible to disease that. Coffea canephora (syn. Coffea robusta), but produces a smoother coffee, better flavoured coffee. It is an evergreen shrub or small tree from Ethiopia and Sudan. It produces an abundance of fragrant white flowers that develop into berries, each containing two of the familiar seeds or 'beans'. coffea-2814htm'>Coffea. Rubiaceae.


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ID: CFGw151.jpg






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