Plumbago auriculata Royal Cape

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Plumbago auriculata (syn. Plumbago capensis</i>) 'Royal Cape', a cultivar of the Cape. Leadwort, a lax, summer- to autumn-flowering, evergreen shrub native to South Africa. It is often trained as a climber or hedging plant 'Royal Cape' has slightly larger flowers than the species and the are a slightly deeper shade of blue, though it's colour seldom matches the intense blue seen in advertising literature for the cultivar. plumbago-2745htm'>Plumbago. <a href='plumbaginaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Plumbaginaceae</a>.

Plumbago auriculata (syn. Plumbago capensis) 'Royal Cape', a cultivar of the Cape. Leadwort, a lax, summer- to autumn-flowering, evergreen shrub native to South Africa. It is often trained as a climber or hedging plant 'Royal Cape' has slightly larger flowers than the species and the are a slightly deeper shade of blue, though it's colour seldom matches the intense blue seen in advertising literature for the cultivar. plumbago-2745htm'>Plumbago. Plumbaginaceae.


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ID: CFGj285.jpg






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