Ipomoea purpurea

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Common Morning Glory (<i>Ipomoea purpurea</i>), a tuberous-rooted climbing, twining perennial, originally from tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa but now well-established in mild climates worldwide. It can be rather invasive, growing rapidly and self-sowing freely. ipomoea-2702htm'>Ipomoea. <a href='convolvulaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Convolvulaceae</a>.

Common Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea), a tuberous-rooted climbing, twining perennial, originally from tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa but now well-established in mild climates worldwide. It can be rather invasive, growing rapidly and self-sowing freely. ipomoea-2702htm'>Ipomoea. Convolvulaceae.


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