Dracaena fragrans Lemon Surprise

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Dracaena fragrans (syn. Dracaena deremensis</i>) 'Lemon Surprise', a boldly marked variegated cultivar with a strongly upright habit and fairly narrow leaves. It is very similar to the cultivar 'Paradisio' but has clearer white to cream striping along the midrib. It is one of the group known as the compacta hybrids. dracaena-2694htm'>Dracaena.

Dracaena fragrans (syn. Dracaena deremensis) 'Lemon Surprise', a boldly marked variegated cultivar with a strongly upright habit and fairly narrow leaves. It is very similar to the cultivar 'Paradisio' but has clearer white to cream striping along the midrib. It is one of the group known as the compacta hybrids. dracaena-2694htm'>Dracaena.


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ID: CFGc285.jpg






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