Parajubaea torallyi

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Bolivian. Mountain Coconut or Palma de Pasobaya (<i>Parajubaea torallyi</i>), a feather palm endemic to Bolivia where it grows at elevations of 2400-3400m. It is surprisingly frost hardy despite its tropical appearance and it large coconut-like fruits are a feature of mature plants, which can be up to 13m tall parajubaea-2475htm'>Parajubaea.

Bolivian. Mountain Coconut or Palma de Pasobaya (Parajubaea torallyi), a feather palm endemic to Bolivia where it grows at elevations of 2400-3400m. It is surprisingly frost hardy despite its tropical appearance and it large coconut-like fruits are a feature of mature plants, which can be up to 13m tall parajubaea-2475htm'>Parajubaea.


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ID: CFGl322.jpg






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