Kalmia latifolia

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Calico. Bush (<i>Kalmia latifolia</i>), a very hardy, spring-flowering, evergreen shrub native to eastern North America. A member of the erica family, it thrives in cool moist conditions with humus-rich acid soil. Its flowers are very dainty, resemble cake decoration buds, but the flower stems are covered with sticky hairs that tend to trap a multitude of small creatures. kalmia-2456htm'>Kalmia. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae

Calico. Bush (Kalmia latifolia), a very hardy, spring-flowering, evergreen shrub native to eastern North America. A member of the erica family, it thrives in cool moist conditions with humus-rich acid soil. Its flowers are very dainty, resemble cake decoration buds, but the flower stems are covered with sticky hairs that tend to trap a multitude of small creatures. kalmia-2456htm'>Kalmia. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae


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ID: CFG6735.jpg






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