Arundo donax Variegata

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Water droplets on the foliage of Arundo donax 'Variegata', a 3m tall, cream and green variegated cultivar of the Giant Reed, a Mediterranean grass with stems up to 6m tall<br />
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<span style='color:red'>Note:</span> this image intentionally has very shallow depth of field. The focus is centred on the water droplet just above the left of centre. arundo-2368htm'>Arundo. .

Water droplets on the foliage of Arundo donax 'Variegata', a 3m tall, cream and green variegated cultivar of the Giant Reed, a Mediterranean grass with stems up to 6m tall

Note: this image intentionally has very shallow depth of field. The focus is centred on the water droplet just above the left of centre. arundo-2368htm'>Arundo. .


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ID: CFGj196.jpg






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