Wisteria floribunda Peaches and Cream

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Wisteria floribunda 'Peaches and Cream', a cultivar of Japanese wisteria that from a distance looks white but when examined closely is white with a pinkish mauve tip to the keel and lower petals, and a greenish yellow centre. Some authorities consider it to be synonymous with the cultivar 'Kuchibeni' or 'Lipstick', but it is not really pink enough. wisteria-2308htm'>Wisteria.

Wisteria floribunda 'Peaches and Cream', a cultivar of Japanese wisteria that from a distance looks white but when examined closely is white with a pinkish mauve tip to the keel and lower petals, and a greenish yellow centre. Some authorities consider it to be synonymous with the cultivar 'Kuchibeni' or 'Lipstick', but it is not really pink enough. wisteria-2308htm'>Wisteria.


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ID: CFGg648.jpg






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