Tamarix parviflora

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Early Tamarisk (<i>Tamarix parviflora</i>), a large deciduous shrub or small tree native to Europe. Its branches often have an arching habit and the plant can be distinguished from most of the commonly grown tamarisks in that it flowers on the old wood in spring, rather than on the new growth in summer. tamarix-2300htm'>Tamarix. <a href='tamaricaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Tamaricaceae</a>.

Early Tamarisk (Tamarix parviflora), a large deciduous shrub or small tree native to Europe. Its branches often have an arching habit and the plant can be distinguished from most of the commonly grown tamarisks in that it flowers on the old wood in spring, rather than on the new growth in summer. tamarix-2300htm'>Tamarix. Tamaricaceae.


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