Phoenix dactylifera

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Date Palm (<i>Phoenix dactylifera</i>) with female flowers. This 10-30m tall feather palm of uncertain origins is now widely considered to be a natural hybrid as it does not appear to occur in the wild. It is the source of edible dates and is extensively cultivated. The feathery flower sprays are distinctive, with male and female flowers on separate plants, and the palm may be single-trunked or form clumps. Order: Arecales, Family: Arecaceae

Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) with female flowers. This 10-30m tall feather palm of uncertain origins is now widely considered to be a natural hybrid as it does not appear to occur in the wild. It is the source of edible dates and is extensively cultivated. The feathery flower sprays are distinctive, with male and female flowers on separate plants, and the palm may be single-trunked or form clumps. Order: Arecales, Family: Arecaceae


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