Echium vulgare

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A dense field of Viper's Bugloss (<i>Echium vulgare</i>), a European biennial that grows to around 90cm tall It often occurs as a wildflower of stony ground and is popular with apiarists as a nectar source. These plants were growing wild at Birdlings. Flat, Canterbury, New Zealand, just one of the many places where this species has naturalised. echium-2237htm'>Echium.

A dense field of Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare), a European biennial that grows to around 90cm tall It often occurs as a wildflower of stony ground and is popular with apiarists as a nectar source. These plants were growing wild at Birdlings. Flat, Canterbury, New Zealand, just one of the many places where this species has naturalised. echium-2237htm'>Echium.


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ID: CFGw882_2.jpg






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