Salix babylonica

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A lakeside stand of Weeping Willows (<i>Salix babylonica</i>) in autumn. This deciduous tree occurs naturally over much of the temperate. Middle. East and Asia and is widely planted throughout the temperate zones. It often grows near watercourses, reaches as much as 20m tall and has strongly pendulous branches. These trees behind the willows are. Yunnan Poplars (<i>Populus yunnanensis</i>). Order: Malpighiales, Family: Salicaceae

A lakeside stand of Weeping Willows (Salix babylonica) in autumn. This deciduous tree occurs naturally over much of the temperate. Middle. East and Asia and is widely planted throughout the temperate zones. It often grows near watercourses, reaches as much as 20m tall and has strongly pendulous branches. These trees behind the willows are. Yunnan Poplars (Populus yunnanensis). Order: Malpighiales, Family: Salicaceae


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ID: CFGj557.jpg






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