Rubus cissoides

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Bush Lawyer or Tataramoa (<i>Rubus cissoides</i>), an evergreen to deciduous vine native to New Zealand, where it occurs through most of the country. It can climb to 9m or more and the stems and undersides of the leaf midrib bear very sharp, recurved spines. The white flowers shown here are up to 12mm diameter, open in spring and followed by red-tinted orange fruits.

Bush Lawyer or Tataramoa (Rubus cissoides), an evergreen to deciduous vine native to New Zealand, where it occurs through most of the country. It can climb to 9m or more and the stems and undersides of the leaf midrib bear very sharp, recurved spines. The white flowers shown here are up to 12mm diameter, open in spring and followed by red-tinted orange fruits.


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ID: CFGw603.jpg






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