Pericallis hybrida - Pink

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A dusky pink-flowered cultivar of the Florists'. Cineraria (<i>Pericallis x hybrida [hybrids of Pericallis lanata x Pericallis cruenta and others]). These popular plants are grown indoors for winter or outdoors as summer annuals. In frost-free areas they flower year-round outdoors. pericallis-2216htm'>Pericallis.

A dusky pink-flowered cultivar of the Florists'. Cineraria (Pericallis x hybrida [hybrids of Pericallis lanata x Pericallis cruenta and others]). These popular plants are grown indoors for winter or outdoors as summer annuals. In frost-free areas they flower year-round outdoors. pericallis-2216htm'>Pericallis.


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ID: CFG8675.jpg






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