Gentiana carolii

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Gentiana x carolii (<i>Gentiana farreri x Gentiana lawrencei</i>), a small, late summer- to early autumn-flowering garden hybrid between a Chinese and a Siberian gentian. It has a trailing habit and its small flowers are a distinctive mid-blue shade. An excellent rockery plant. gentiana-2191htm'>Gentiana. <a href='gentianaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Gentianaceae</a>.

Gentiana x carolii (Gentiana farreri x Gentiana lawrencei), a small, late summer- to early autumn-flowering garden hybrid between a Chinese and a Siberian gentian. It has a trailing habit and its small flowers are a distinctive mid-blue shade. An excellent rockery plant. gentiana-2191htm'>Gentiana. Gentianaceae.


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