Lilium Stargazer

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Lilium 'Stargazer', usually considered to be the most popular lily of them all, this Oriental hybrid has very distinctively marked flowers that are wide, with relatively narrow petals. It was raised in 1978 by Leslie. Woodriff of the United States and was unusual at that time because its flowers faced upwards. lilium-2171htm'>Lilium. <a href='liliaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Liliaceae</a>.

Lilium 'Stargazer', usually considered to be the most popular lily of them all, this Oriental hybrid has very distinctively marked flowers that are wide, with relatively narrow petals. It was raised in 1978 by Leslie. Woodriff of the United States and was unusual at that time because its flowers faced upwards. lilium-2171htm'>Lilium. Liliaceae.


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ID: CFGb930.jpg






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