Arisaema exappendiculatum

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Arisaema exappendiculatum, a late spring- to early summer-flowering, tuberous-rooted, arum family perennial from Japan. It has large, lush leaves and the short-lived flowerheads lack a conspicuous spadix. The spathe ranges in colour from pale green to deep reddish purple, with the degree of mottling increasing with the darkness of the spathe. Order: Alismatales, Family: Araceae

Arisaema exappendiculatum, a late spring- to early summer-flowering, tuberous-rooted, arum family perennial from Japan. It has large, lush leaves and the short-lived flowerheads lack a conspicuous spadix. The spathe ranges in colour from pale green to deep reddish purple, with the degree of mottling increasing with the darkness of the spathe. Order: Alismatales, Family: Araceae


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ID: CFGb586.jpg






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