Citrus tangelo Seminole

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'Seminole'. Tangelo (<i>Citrus x tangelo 'Seminole'), this hybrid between a tangerine and a grapefruit (<i>Citrus x paradisi x Citrus reticulata</i>) is a very juicy, sweet fruit that can be distinguished from the 'Minneola' tangelo as it lacks the protruding 'nipple' or 'neck' at the top. Tangelos require a long, hot growing season to properly ripen. citrus-2140htm'>Citrus.

'Seminole'. Tangelo (Citrus x tangelo 'Seminole'), this hybrid between a tangerine and a grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi x Citrus reticulata) is a very juicy, sweet fruit that can be distinguished from the 'Minneola' tangelo as it lacks the protruding 'nipple' or 'neck' at the top. Tangelos require a long, hot growing season to properly ripen. citrus-2140htm'>Citrus.


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