Citrus sinensis Washington Navel

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'Washington. Navel'. Orange (<i>Citrus sinensis 'Washington. Navel'), probably the most widely commercially cultivated orange, 'Washington. Navel' produces medium-sized, rounded, well-flavoured fruit that are usually seedless. Also known as 'Bahia', the cultivar dates from the early to mid-19th century, though its exact origins are unknown . citrus-2140htm'>Citrus.

'Washington. Navel'. Orange (Citrus sinensis 'Washington. Navel'), probably the most widely commercially cultivated orange, 'Washington. Navel' produces medium-sized, rounded, well-flavoured fruit that are usually seedless. Also known as 'Bahia', the cultivar dates from the early to mid-19th century, though its exact origins are unknown . citrus-2140htm'>Citrus.


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