Tanacetum cinerariifolium

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The spring foliage of Pyrethrum, Dalmatia. Pyrethrum (<i>Tanacetum cinerariifolium</i>), an evergreen perennial native to the Balkans and Albania. It grows to around 45cm high and wide, and is notable for its finely divided, silvery blue-grey foliage and its summer-borne flowerheads, which are up to 35mm wide, with white ray florets. tanacetum-2130htm'>Tanacetum.

The spring foliage of Pyrethrum, Dalmatia. Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium), an evergreen perennial native to the Balkans and Albania. It grows to around 45cm high and wide, and is notable for its finely divided, silvery blue-grey foliage and its summer-borne flowerheads, which are up to 35mm wide, with white ray florets. tanacetum-2130htm'>Tanacetum.


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