Melaleuca paludicola

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River Bottlebrush (<i>Melaleuca paludicola [syn. Callistemon paludosus]), a summer-flowering evergreen shrub or small tree native to southeastern Australia. It has an upright habit with weeping branches and relatively small flowerheads that open pale cream with faint pink tones. Now widely considered to be a form of Callistemon sieberi, but do not confuse with Callistemon pallidus. melaleuca-2126htm'>Melaleuca. .

River Bottlebrush (Melaleuca paludicola [syn. Callistemon paludosus]), a summer-flowering evergreen shrub or small tree native to southeastern Australia. It has an upright habit with weeping branches and relatively small flowerheads that open pale cream with faint pink tones. Now widely considered to be a form of Callistemon sieberi, but do not confuse with Callistemon pallidus. melaleuca-2126htm'>Melaleuca. .


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