Paeonia suffruticosa - Magenta

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Magenta-flowered Tree Peony, one of the many colour forms. These showy, spring-flowering shrubs may be cultivars of the Chinese species. Paeonia suffruticosa, or hybrids derived from P suffruticosa, Paeonia ostii, Paeonia jishanensis. Paeonia rockii, Paeonia szechuanica, Paeonia yananensis, Paeonia qiui, Paeonia x lemoinei, Paeonia lutea, and Paeonia potanini. Despite the common name, tree peonies are seldom more than medium-sized to large shrubs. paeonia-2089htm'>Peony. <a href='paeoniaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Paeoniaceae</a>.

Magenta-flowered Tree Peony, one of the many colour forms. These showy, spring-flowering shrubs may be cultivars of the Chinese species. Paeonia suffruticosa, or hybrids derived from P suffruticosa, Paeonia ostii, Paeonia jishanensis. Paeonia rockii, Paeonia szechuanica, Paeonia yananensis, Paeonia qiui, Paeonia x lemoinei, Paeonia lutea, and Paeonia potanini. Despite the common name, tree peonies are seldom more than medium-sized to large shrubs. paeonia-2089htm'>Peony. Paeoniaceae.


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