Paeonia Anne Rosse

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Paeonia 'Anne. Rosse', raised by the Earl of Rosse and dating from prior to 1961, this deciduous, spring-flowering shrub is one of several cultivars between the red-flowered Paeonia delavayi and the yellow. Paeonia lutea var. ludlowii. The degree of red flushing is variable, but the orange-red stamens are quire distinctive. paeonia-2089htm'>Peony. <a href='paeoniaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Paeoniaceae</a>.

Paeonia 'Anne. Rosse', raised by the Earl of Rosse and dating from prior to 1961, this deciduous, spring-flowering shrub is one of several cultivars between the red-flowered Paeonia delavayi and the yellow. Paeonia lutea var. ludlowii. The degree of red flushing is variable, but the orange-red stamens are quire distinctive. paeonia-2089htm'>Peony. Paeoniaceae.


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ID: CFGg326.jpg






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