Linnaea 'Kaleidoscope'

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Linnaea 'Kaleidoscope' (syn. Abelia 'Kaleidoscope', a boldly variegated foliage cultivar with yellow-green leaves that have a darker centre. The stems are red -tinted and the young foliage is bronze 'Kaleidoscope' has pink-tinted l white flowers from late summer through autumn but these are often less of a feature than the leaves. It forms a dense mound around 15m high and wide and responds well to frequent trimming. Order: Dipsacales, Family: Caprifoliaceae

Linnaea 'Kaleidoscope' (syn. Abelia 'Kaleidoscope', a boldly variegated foliage cultivar with yellow-green leaves that have a darker centre. The stems are red -tinted and the young foliage is bronze 'Kaleidoscope' has pink-tinted l white flowers from late summer through autumn but these are often less of a feature than the leaves. It forms a dense mound around 15m high and wide and responds well to frequent trimming. Order: Dipsacales, Family: Caprifoliaceae


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ID: CFGe673.jpg






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