Prunus domestica subsp institia

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Damson or Damson. Plum (<i>Prunus x domestica subsp. institia [syn. Prunus institia]), a form of plum with small, dark, ovoid fruit with an acidic skin and tart flavour. Damsons are widely used for jams, jellies and other preserves. There are several cultivars that vary in fruit size, shape and colour. Order: Rosales, Family: Rosaceae

Damson or Damson. Plum (Prunus x domestica subsp. institia [syn. Prunus institia]), a form of plum with small, dark, ovoid fruit with an acidic skin and tart flavour. Damsons are widely used for jams, jellies and other preserves. There are several cultivars that vary in fruit size, shape and colour. Order: Rosales, Family: Rosaceae


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