Viburnum opulus

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Ripe fruit of the Guelder. Rose (<i>Viburnum opulus</i>), a 4-5m tall Eurasian deciduous shrub with heads of white flowers in spring. The true flowers are small but are made more showy by large sterile bracts that are often exaggerated in the garden forms. viburnum-2081htm'>Viburnum.. viburnum-2081htm'>Viburnum. <a href='adoxaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Adoxaceae</a>.

Ripe fruit of the Guelder. Rose (Viburnum opulus), a 4-5m tall Eurasian deciduous shrub with heads of white flowers in spring. The true flowers are small but are made more showy by large sterile bracts that are often exaggerated in the garden forms. viburnum-2081htm'>Viburnum.. viburnum-2081htm'>Viburnum. Adoxaceae.


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