Leucanthemum superbum Banana Cream

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Leucanthemum x superbum 'Banana. Cream', a Shasta. Daisy cultivar with soft primrose yellow flowerheads that age to cream. Also known as Chrysanthemum x superbum, these hybrids between Leucanthemum maximum and Leucanthemum lacustre are available in a variety of sizes, forms and colours. leucanthemum-2050htm'>Leucanthemum.

Leucanthemum x superbum 'Banana. Cream', a Shasta. Daisy cultivar with soft primrose yellow flowerheads that age to cream. Also known as Chrysanthemum x superbum, these hybrids between Leucanthemum maximum and Leucanthemum lacustre are available in a variety of sizes, forms and colours. leucanthemum-2050htm'>Leucanthemum.


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ID: CFGx022.jpg






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