Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg'

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The spring foliage of <i>Acer palmatum</i> 'Trompenburg', a 3-5m tall Japanese Maple cultivar that retains its purple-red foliage colour from spring through summer, though the undersides of the leaves often develop green tones. The autumn foliage tends towards orange. The leaflets, which can be quite lustrous, are not narrow but they tend to roll inwards, which makes them appear so. Order Sapindales, Family: Sapindaceae

The spring foliage of Acer palmatum 'Trompenburg', a 3-5m tall Japanese Maple cultivar that retains its purple-red foliage colour from spring through summer, though the undersides of the leaves often develop green tones. The autumn foliage tends towards orange. The leaflets, which can be quite lustrous, are not narrow but they tend to roll inwards, which makes them appear so. Order Sapindales, Family: Sapindaceae


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ID: CFGq601.jpg






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