Barbarea vulgaris

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Winter Cress (<i>Barbarea vulgaris</i>), a spring-flowering biennial found naturally over much of Europe and Asia, and now widely naturalised elsewhere. It tends to be a weed of waste ground or rough-mown turf. Over the years it has had a range of medicinal and culinary uses, though it may be mildly toxic. This has given rise to a range of common names, including rocketcress, yellow rocket cress, wound rocket, herb barbara, winter rocket and common witch

Winter Cress (Barbarea vulgaris), a spring-flowering biennial found naturally over much of Europe and Asia, and now widely naturalised elsewhere. It tends to be a weed of waste ground or rough-mown turf. Over the years it has had a range of medicinal and culinary uses, though it may be mildly toxic. This has given rise to a range of common names, including rocketcress, yellow rocket cress, wound rocket, herb barbara, winter rocket and common witch


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