Atriplex australasica

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Australian Orache (<i>Atriplex australasica</i>), a scrambling perennial native to southeastern Australia, including Tasmania, and parts of New Zealand, and usually found in coastal areas. It usually behaves as a groundcover, but where possible it will grow through other plants. Sometimes considered a form of Atriplex patula, it is a larger plant in all respects, with thicker and noticeably succulent foliage, often with a strong pink tint to the stems and leaves. atriplex-3513htm'>Atriplex. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Amaranthaceae Order: Caryophyllales</a>

Australian Orache (Atriplex australasica), a scrambling perennial native to southeastern Australia, including Tasmania, and parts of New Zealand, and usually found in coastal areas. It usually behaves as a groundcover, but where possible it will grow through other plants. Sometimes considered a form of Atriplex patula, it is a larger plant in all respects, with thicker and noticeably succulent foliage, often with a strong pink tint to the stems and leaves. atriplex-3513htm'>Atriplex. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Amaranthaceae Order: Caryophyllales


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