Wollemia nobilis

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The summer foliage of the Wollemi. Pine (<i>Wollemia nobilis</i>), an evergreen conifer up to 40m tall, discovered in a narrow gorge in the Wollemi. National. Park, northwest of Sydney,Australia in 1994. The genus is thought to be around 200 million years old, is a member of the Araucariaceae and related to the Monkey Puzzle and Norfolk Island Pine. Although extremely rare in the wild, the Wollemi. Pine is now quite widely cultivated. wollemia-2935htm'>Wollemia. <a href='araucariaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Araucariaceae</a>. Order: Pinales</a>

The summer foliage of the Wollemi. Pine (Wollemia nobilis), an evergreen conifer up to 40m tall, discovered in a narrow gorge in the Wollemi. National. Park, northwest of Sydney,Australia in 1994. The genus is thought to be around 200 million years old, is a member of the Araucariaceae and related to the Monkey Puzzle and Norfolk Island Pine. Although extremely rare in the wild, the Wollemi. Pine is now quite widely cultivated. wollemia-2935htm'>Wollemia. Araucariaceae. Order: Pinales


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ID: CFGgt55.jpg






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