Peach Leaf Curl

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Peach leaf curl (<i>Taphrina deformans</i>) is a fungal disease that affects peaches and other plants of the genus. Prunus. It causes the young leaves to become twisted, distorted and discoloured. Eventually they dry off and die. It can also affect the flowers and young stems. The spores of the disease overwinter on the bark of the tree and become active in spring. Spraying with copper-based fungicides during winter to kill the spores is recommended. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases</a>

Peach leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) is a fungal disease that affects peaches and other plants of the genus. Prunus. It causes the young leaves to become twisted, distorted and discoloured. Eventually they dry off and die. It can also affect the flowers and young stems. The spores of the disease overwinter on the bark of the tree and become active in spring. Spraying with copper-based fungicides during winter to kill the spores is recommended. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases


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