Fremontodendron mexicanum

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Mexican Flannel Bush (<i>Fremontodendron mexicanum</i>), a spreading, 2-7m high, evergreen, summer-flowering shrub to native to the Peninsular. Ranges of Baja. California and southern San. Diego, California. It is very tolerant of drought and low humidity. It is most readily distinguished from the similar. Fremontodendron californicum by its brighter yellow flowers with more rounded petal tips, smoother foliage and usually 3-lobed foliage. fremontodendron-2991htm'>Fremontodendron.

Mexican Flannel Bush (Fremontodendron mexicanum), a spreading, 2-7m high, evergreen, summer-flowering shrub to native to the Peninsular. Ranges of Baja. California and southern San. Diego, California. It is very tolerant of drought and low humidity. It is most readily distinguished from the similar. Fremontodendron californicum by its brighter yellow flowers with more rounded petal tips, smoother foliage and usually 3-lobed foliage. fremontodendron-2991htm'>Fremontodendron.


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