Aechmea recurvata var. ortgiesii

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<i>Aechmea recurvata</i> var. <i>ortgiesii</i>, a natural variety of a bromeliad found over much of warm-temperate to subtropical South America. When flowering the foliage of var. <i>ortgiesii</i> becomes a bright orange red, starting at the tips. The colour is less intense in shade. Order: Poales, Family: Bromeliaceae

Aechmea recurvata var. ortgiesii, a natural variety of a bromeliad found over much of warm-temperate to subtropical South America. When flowering the foliage of var. ortgiesii becomes a bright orange red, starting at the tips. The colour is less intense in shade. Order: Poales, Family: Bromeliaceae


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ID: CFGfc96.jpg






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