Calystegia sepium

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Hedge. Bindweed (<i>Calystegia sepium</i>), a climbing or creeping twining perennial that has a widespread natural distribution and has been introduced into many other areas. Although somewhat invasive, it is not as aggressive as some bindweeds. The flowers may be white or various degrees of pink. They open throughout the warmer months on sunny days. Several subspecies have been described but the validity of these classifications is debatable

Hedge. Bindweed (Calystegia sepium), a climbing or creeping twining perennial that has a widespread natural distribution and has been introduced into many other areas. Although somewhat invasive, it is not as aggressive as some bindweeds. The flowers may be white or various degrees of pink. They open throughout the warmer months on sunny days. Several subspecies have been described but the validity of these classifications is debatable


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ID: CFGep04.jpg






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