Witch's Broom

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A witch's broom, an area of clustered, congested growth, on a . Monterey. Cypress (<i>Cupressus macrocarpa</i>). The dense growth of witch's brooms is often genetically stable and several dwarf cultivars have been raised by using them for cuttings. Native to California and now quite rare in the wild, this 20-45m tall tree is popular for hedging and shelter in New Zealand pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases</a>

A witch's broom, an area of clustered, congested growth, on a . Monterey. Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa). The dense growth of witch's brooms is often genetically stable and several dwarf cultivars have been raised by using them for cuttings. Native to California and now quite rare in the wild, this 20-45m tall tree is popular for hedging and shelter in New Zealand pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases


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ID: CFGcm87.jpg






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