Sooty Mould

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Sooty. Mould or Black Mould on the autumn foliage of a Lime or Linden tree(<i>Tilia cordata</i>). Sooty mould grows on the sugary secretions of sap sucking insects and while not especially damaging in itself, a dense covering can affect the ability of the foliage to photosynthesise. Lindens are often attacked by aphids and by the end of summer can be quite badly coated in sooty mould. As the foliage will soon fall anyway, it is often not a major problem. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases</a>

Sooty. Mould or Black Mould on the autumn foliage of a Lime or Linden tree(Tilia cordata). Sooty mould grows on the sugary secretions of sap sucking insects and while not especially damaging in itself, a dense covering can affect the ability of the foliage to photosynthesise. Lindens are often attacked by aphids and by the end of summer can be quite badly coated in sooty mould. As the foliage will soon fall anyway, it is often not a major problem. pests-and-diseases-3512htm'>Plant. Pests and Diseases


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